Gospel Music Minister & Worship Leader, Minister Onyeka is out with his live recording song titled , Holyghost (Only for you), produced by MakeysThe Glory of the Lord is here again. I appeal to you by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.” Rom 12:1.
This is the appointed time to give back fully our heart, soul and body to the Holy Ghost in sincerity and humility. As we yield ourselves to the Holy Ghost, we also align to His leadership. This is a revival song to brood upon in the realm of the spirit as God’s vessel Min. Onyeka leads us into the throne room with the song.
About the Minister Onyeka:
Born Onyeka Akunna, Minister Onyeka is a passionate gospel music minister, worship leader, and song composer from Anambra State, Nigeria. Minister Onyeka’s love for gospel music was ignited by the ministries of Min. Dunsin Oyekan and Nathaniel Bassey.
Their spirit-filled worship and impactful songs inspired him to dedicate his life to spreading the Gospel through music. As a member of Rev. David Ogbueli’s worship team, Minister Onyeka has honed his craft, leading worship and composing soul-stirring songs.
He has released several life-transforming worship songs, with his latest single, “Holyghost (Only for You),” being a standout. Minister Onyeka’s music is characterized by: -Heartfelt, Spirit-led worship, -Powerful, soul-stirring vocals – Inspiring, scripture-based lyrics – A blend of contemporary and traditional gospel sounds. He won Best Gospel Song 2024 DOMA AWARDS
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