DOWNLOAD Ascend by Victoria Orenze Ft. Nathaniel Bassey (Mp3 Video, Lyrics)
Ascend is the song of the spirit from Anointed minstrel Victoria Orenze featuring Outstanding Nathaniel Bassey.
Speaking on her new song, Victoria said: “We are born of God! We bring order where there is chaos, we bring fire in the midst of Luke warmness, and we bring light in a time of gross Darkness. We are to Ascend the mountain of the Lord so that we can Arise!”
Who may ascend the hill of the LORD? or who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to an idol, nor sworn deceitfully [Psalm 24:3-4].
We cannot take any mountain of influence without first climbing the mountain of the Lord. Victoria Orenze recently released her latest album, “Truth In Sounds“, a 13-track album recorded live with the Usound United Band.
Scripture says in Matthew 24:35 and Luke 21: 33; “Heaven and earth will pass away, but His word will never pass away.” I, Victoria Orenze, an Apostle of Jesus Christ, believe that every Christian or Believer is a Preacher. Hence, if your expression or one of your ways of expression is singing, then, it’s your job to preach The Gospel, which is the word of God, through songs. I welcome you into the experience of the Bible through “Truth in Sounds” or simply put, “The Bible in Sounds.”, she said.
The Hit song Ascend sings, We bring order, we bring fire, We bring light to a dark generation, We bring judgement, we bring justice, We bring truth to a lost generation, We are called out, we are chosen, We are kings, we are priest
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